Crystal Durham's Porfolio

Engine & Tools Programming

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Hobby Engine

A C++ engine built nearly from scratch, capable of supporting small-to-medium sized indie game projects in 2D or 3D. Uses a DirectX 11 based render pipeline along with other toolkit pieces required to build a game such as physics, networking, data-driven asset loading, and game object lifetime management.

There have been multiple times where I’ve considered porting my hobby engine to the Rust programming language in order to experience firsthand the difficulties and benefits of moving an existing C++ project to Rust, but I haven’t been able to find the time to follow through yet, unfortunately. The exercise of considering it has helped me concretize some perspective on engine design, though, and I’m following the development of Bevy with great interest.


A Minecraft-alike built in the Hobby Engine. Supports infinite generated and user-manipulable worlds based on a chunk system and a dynamic lighting system.


Bindings to the FMOD audio library for the Rust programming language. Provides access to the standard FMOD API (officially usable from C, C++, C#, and JS) in a manner idiomatic to the Rust programming language, utilizing a mixture of code generation techniques and manually authored API translations.

At the current time, this project is exclusively a personal project, but when I manage to find some more time to polish up the interface a bit, I plan to release the bindings under a permissive open-source license. (FMOD itself is of course still paid software.)

Unreal Rust Tool

An extention to the Unreal Engine build system (Unreal Header Tool and Unreal Build Tool) that adds Rust as a supported development language for game modules. Disclaimer: extremely proof-of-concept, and only functional for basic use cases.

In the current prototype, I have mostly manual bindings allowing the implementation of a basic UCLASS in Rust with the header interface still defined in C++. The prototype targets Unreal Engine 4, but I have a sketch laid out for full integration into UHT and UBT in Unreal Engine 5. Progress is slow, however, as doing a lot of code generation and integration into an underdocumented (publicly, at least) system requires a significant effort for small pieces of progress, and best practices on how to integrate Rust into a dynamically loaded system like UE are still evolving.